Now you can check in Air Asia using your mobile, either SMS or WAP.
1. Send SMSCI to 36320 (Malaysia) to start. Save this number!
2. Respond by sending your flight details to 36320.
3. You will be sent your flight details and asked to confirm your details
via SMS Reply SMSCI CONF Y to confirm your travel details OR reply
SMSCI CONF N to exit the SMS Check-in.
4. You will receive your check-in code and the link for your code-in
code, consecutively.
5. Click on the link to retrieve your 2D barcode and proceed to the Self
Check-In Kiosk at the airport to print your boarding pass.WAP
1. Type into your browser. Bookmark this page!
2. Enter your booking number and departure city.
3. To receive your 2D barcode in your mobile, enter your email address.
Otherwise, enter your mobile number to receive it via SMS.
4. Click on the link in the SMS to retrieve 2D barcode.
5. Using your 2D barcode, proceed to the Self Check-In Kiosk at the
airport to print your boarding pass.
The City University of New York - I/O Psychology & HR Information Session -
16th Dec 2009
The City University Of New York OPEN HOUSE
16 December 2009 7.15pm Concorde Hotel, Level 4
I/O Psychology & HR Open House
Executive Master of Science in Ma...
15 years ago
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